Sunday, June 8, 2014

It's a boy!

Wow! It's been quite a while since I updated last. There has been so many things happened so I will try to start off from the beginning. We are now out of Clarksville and now at Fort Gordon! We finally found a house after days and days of searching. I would have never thought it would have been that hard to find a house but we are in a NICE neighborhood and an fantastic house. The neighborhood even has a lake to walk around for Marley. I will be down there this week!!

Now for the little monkey. We found out it's a boy!!!! Patrick is super excited and I can't wait to meet the little guy. I also find it funny that even though we didn't know what the baby was at our announcement photo session we still both wore blue! Ha! I think our subconscious knew before we did!

We had our babymoon to Mexico and it was very fun and relaxing. EVEN THOUGH I got so sunburned I was a lobster. If anyone knows me I never sunburn. So this was a first to me. We weren't able to do all the fun stuff we had planned because I was pregnant but it was definitely a fun trip! Which now I must show baby's first EPIC selfie! lol I was about 15-16 weeks here.

We have had quite a few scares by having to go to the ER and bleeding. I was put on bed rest for a little while and had to take it very easy. Doctors have assured me that everything is ok even though I'm still having that problem. They still don't know why I'm spotting esp since I've been 14 weeks. It's very hard not to worry especially since I have been jaded with a past miscarriage and not able to just sit back and relax. I am told I can do some stuff but I still must take it very easy. No lifting, etc......
19 weeks

20 weeks HALF WAY

The little guy is very active. I have been feeling him kick since about 16 weeks. I am now 20 weeks and can feel him kick at least 20 times a day if not more. So I am blessed to be able to feel him and know that everything is ok. I am starting to have trouble sleeping and my back hurting. If he is setting on my spine I have sharp pains shooting down my legs and back. If this is what to come I am definitely dreading when I get bigger.

We have begun to set up registries and get everything in order for the baby. Getting the crib picked out along with the strollers and carseats. I just have to say who knew that there were SO MANY different kinds. After days and days of researching we finally came up with the perfect ones.

We have finally decided on a name I THINK. ha But for now we will keep that a secret. So for now next up is moving in fully to Fort Gordon and Anatomy ultrasound this Thursday. So please pray that everything will be perfectly healthy with our little monkey and we continue to have a good pregnancy.

Here are just a few ultrasound pics I've had over the past few months:

13 weeks

13 weeks

18 weeks


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