Friday, August 8, 2014

2-3 min apart

Well I had another trip to L&D yesterday. I was having contractions about 20 min apart yesterday morning... Then by lunch they were about 10 min apart so I decided it was time to go in. I'm 29 weeks TODAY so it is way too soon for me to have this baby. If there was any chance that they could stop labor before it was too late, I was going to go in. So I get there and they hook me up to the monitors. They decided I'm NOT dehydrated so it was not lack of fluids causing the contractions. They did all the checks and can't seem to figure out why they are continuing. I got an IV for precaution and continued to be monitored for another 7 hours or so. For a while they progressed to 2 -3 minutes apart and it was something we definitely needed to stop. The good news is that they weren't productive, which means that they were not making me dilate. BUT BUT BUT if we did not get them under control they could progress into labor. Shew this baby is going to be the death of me already or at least cause some gray hairs. LOL

So they gave me some medicine to stop the contractions and sent me home with orders to come into ultrasound today to measure everything. I just got back from my ultrasound and it couldn't have been better news. I am not dilating and my cervix is not shortening which is the best news I could receive. Apparently, I have an irritable uterus which the doctor said it partially due to my size. So hopefully the procardia will calm the contractions and I can actually make it to my baby shower.

The baby is also perfect. He is weighing in at 2 lbs and 15 oz, just 1 ounce shy of 3 lbs. He is in the 52 percentile which is perfect. He was moving around and looking adorable. He is transverse which is head up. His feet is also at the top of his head and is hilarious. He has some LONG legs. Out of all this mess at least I get some great pictures!!! He kept his feet, hands, and the cord in his face. He was being a little stubborn today.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

28 weeks and another L&D visit

Well I had another doctor appointment yesterday and I was hoping for just a normal visit. A few days before my appointment I had a little tummy ache and a round of contractions again. I was able to take Tylenol and lay down which seemed to work. At the appointment my heart rate was 124 resting which is really high for me.. it's usually in the 80s or 90s. The baby's heart rate was also a little high too. So after he found that out plus my trouble the few days before he thought I was tachycardic(sp?) and send me straight to Labor and Delivery to get an IV to check everything.   They thought I was a little dehydrated AGAIN even though I drink almost a gallon of water a day. He told me that if you get sick with tummy problems and diarrhea that no matter how much you drink it's hard for a pregnant lady to get caught up on hydration. Note to self: make sure to tell them if you ever have that again.  So I go through two bags of saline through an IV and they run multiple tests to check everything. Our heart rates were finally starting to slow back down. Thank GOODNESS. Then they check my cervix and run the fFn test.

"Fetal fibronectin (also known as fFN) is a “glue-like” protein that bonds your developing baby to your uterus. Fetal fibronectin is detectable in vaginal secretions in the very beginning of pregnancy, when this bond is first forming, and then again at the end of pregnancy, when your body is getting ready to deliver your baby. fFN is a special protein that literally holds your baby in place in the womb. After the 35th week of pregnancy, it begins to break down naturally, and is detectable. If your body is getting ready to give birth prematurely, fFN may be detected before week 35." -
Well I tested positive for the fFn test which means I could possibly go into labor in the next few weeks, but it also has a high rate of false positives.. So right now it's give or take. I am also a finger tip dilated which right now is ok, but it does mean I'm starting to dilate. They also did an ultrasound to check the little booger and everything was ok. He was moving around as usual. Right now he is head up and kicking my bladder to death.

I was sent home with specific instructions to rest and do not do anything. No lifting. No anything. If there is any changes I am to immediately head back to L&D. This morning I lost my mucus plug. I can't seem to catch a break. I called L&D back immediately and they said if I start bleeding, leaking amniotic fluid, or having contractions to come back. So right now I'm just hoping and praying that it regenerates itself and I'm ok at least for a few more weeks. I keep telling Mason I know he's hyper and excited to come out but he has to stay in for at least another month or so.

On a funny note...... My family finds more pleasure in seeing how much I gained at doctors appointments than anything else. As soon as they find out I'm going to the doctor, they ALWAYS remind me to tell them how much I've gained..sheesh  which this appointment I gained 4 lbs in two weeks. So that's put me at gaining about 16 lbs so far for this pregnancy.

We also found out that we are PCSing to Fort Irwin, California at the beginning of next year. It's going to be a huge move and the most distance I have ever lived from home. I think it will be fun. We will be there 2 to 3 years and I hope to build up my photography business there. I still plan on making trips back to VA and photographing clients there also every so often! After all I do have a mobile photography business!

So please keep praying for us and we can make it a little further.
27 weeks looking presentable lol

28 weeks and gained 4 lbs in two weeks

Marley and Daddy ready to meet mason lol