Friday, September 12, 2014

34 weeks

Wow! It's been a few since I updated. Totally my fault and there has been so many things that have happened.  To start off we had our baby shower and I must say we are beyond blessed at how many people came to celebrate with us. They were all so generous and Mr. Mason has plenty for when he arrives. I never knew one little teeny tiny baby could have so much stuff! haha I think Patrick is a little overwhelmed and I'm just a little too excited. ha.

To start off I was a little nervous if my doctor would let me go to the baby shower or not. He said I'm the only one of his patients that are traveling this much during pregnancy. Plus he is out of office to mid-sept for surgery, so I was a little nervous about him not being there if I needed him. BUTTT his wife is also an OBGYN at that office so I was able to see her while he's away. They both are amazing and great doctors. She gave me the go ahead to travel.

Traveling was hard. Not going to lie. I don't think I will ever want to do that again. I was having contractions at one point that were very painful not just your everyday braxton hicks. I didn't get to do much while there.. We traveled up on Thursday and I spent the whole day Friday recovering. Our baby shower was Saturday and I was beyond wore out. The Monday trip home was horrendous. Our car was packed to the max and that didn't leave much room for Marley or Me to stretch out. That was when the contractions started to scare me a little. I could just imagine going into labor on the side of the road 3 or 4 hours away from my doctor. It took me a good 3 days to feel somewhat "normal" again.

We had our first "baby class" and Patrick was hilarious. They showed a birth video and all the husbands' faces were priceless! hah We have offically received everything we need for the baby. That includes stroller, carseat, bassinett, pack and plays, diapers, clothes......etc...... I even got to order some wraps for babywearing. If you don't know what that is, you definitely need to look it up... I can't wait to babywear Mr. Mason like a boss!

So fast forward to now... I'm 34 weeks today!!! I also had a doc appointment this week. She checked me and said I was 1cm dilated so it's a start. She was also worried about me thinning with all the bad contractions lately so she sent me for an ultrasound.  Mason weighed in at 4 lbs and 11 oz!! He's getting so big!! I was about 25% effaced which was OK... The ultrasound tech scared me at first saying 50% effaced but after the doc reviewed it I guess it wasn't that bad. So I go off my contraction medicine in about two weeks and if I had to guess I will go pretty soon after that. Even on the medicine now I am still having them every 20 mins with some really painful ones every now and then. If I can make it to 37 weeks, which is in 3 more weeks, I will be happy. Doctor was happy that I have made it this far with as many contractions as I am having. I can't believe in about a month we will have a baby!!! OMG. so exciting!!!

I have my good days and bad. Some days I'm so miserable I cry for no reason. Those days are miserable. He ends up kicking my sciatic nerve and my nether regions which just plain HURTS. Then some days I feel better. It comes and goes. He is also transverse right now.. and I can't seem to get him to turn. I have tried all the tricks so I hope our little stubborn boy will turn head down soon. I really don't want a c section if I can help it.  So for now I'm just chugging along and making a baby! I will leave you with some cute 3D pics I got from the ultrasound and the mandatory bump shots!

OHHHH and he has hair!!! I hope he comes out with a head of jet black hair!

32 weeks

33.5 weeks

Ohhhh and Marley has started doing this!! teeeheeee

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