Well... I'm a little late. In fact I'm 8 months to late to write your birth story. Who can blame me right?!? Chasing your brother around and now you! You are scooting everywhere. Let's start at the beginning.
I think the last I updated was when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and I must say it was terrible. I would never wish that disease on anyone. I had to do finger sticks 4 times a day and count carbs on everything. If anyone knows me, knows that it is very hard for me to do. I LOVE FOOD. I am thankful that I was able to manage it with diet alone. I didn't have to be put on any medication. However, that calcium rich diet gave me 5 kidney stones that I am dealing with now.
Things went fairly smoothly after the gestational diabetes diagnosis. I was still having contractions but not near as bad as with Mason. We moved back down to Grovetown, GA for Fort Gordon. I was able to have Dr. Ray again. The same doctor I had with your big bro. It was a big sigh of relief because he knew my history and I trusted him.
37 weeks came along and it was time to get off of the procardia to stop the contractions. Dr. Ray kept me on it a week later as a precaution. I was sooo convinced that you would come soon just like Mason. I even thought the super moon of 2016 would get you. Nope! You had us all fooled. You didn't want to come out. We had the scheduled c-section on the morning of November the 16th. You were born at 8:57 am weighing in at 6 lbs even and 19.25 inches. The c-section was fairly smooth other than you pushing my bladder in a weird spot and you tearing my uterus on the way out.
This recovery was much harder on me than Mason's. I'm not sure if it was from the tear, the 2nd c-section, or just being older. I was sooo sore. You ate like a champ. You latched straight away and snuggled with momma for 40 min. It was glorious. I was so proud of you. You pretty much slept on my chest the next few weeks because that is where we got the most sleep. Sleeping was going pretty good I was just so exhausted. You and your brother was wearing me out. We finally got the hang of everything. Your story is so simple and sweet. Uncomplicated birth that brought you beautiful boy in the world. Cooper Benton Davis